‘My first concern will be to restore, preserve or promote health…’.
Hippocrate serment
Your issues :
The treatments I prescribe to my patients use high-risk therapeutic molecules. I need to be able to be sure that the correct dosages are used when preparing them.
Our solutions give you reliability and security when it comes to the nature and dosage of the products prepared for your patients.
If a patient has the slightest unexpected reaction to a treatment, I need to be able to easily identify the cause.
Our solutions give you :
- Indisputable proof is provided by the traceability, via image analysis, of the nature and quantity of the product prepared for the patient.
- A high-tech security system that’s easy to use.
‘Drugcam is an integral part of the computerised patient circuit, enabling complete and secure management of the treatment process’.
Doctor Sevin – Oncologist – Centre Maurice Tubiana of Caen
Our clients testify
Pharmacy dispensers
Quality & security supervisors